Kevin Rohrbach
““...if you keep putting in the work and doing your best then you will achieve the goals you have set out for yourself when you first start.””
CrossFit Rejoice Start Date
February 20, 2017
Tell us a little about yourself (career, family, athletic background).
I have lived in the DFW Metroplex (except for a small stint in Houston for 5 years) my whole life. I attended college at Texas A&M University, receiving my undergrad degree in Accounting and my masters degree in Information Systems. After college I started my career with Protiviti, an accounting and technology consulting company and have been with the firm now for almost 14 years. I start at Protiviti in Houston and moved back to Dallas in 2009 where I am a Director leading our Energy Industry practice. I live in Sachse with my wife Amanda (who goes to CrossFit Wylie) and my two daughters, Zoe (age 7) and Ava (age 4).
My athletic background is pretty limited once you get past high school, but growing up I pretty much played everything including baseball, basketball, football, soccer and I even played handball in college (the kind played on a racquetball court).What brought you to CrossFit Rejoice?
In late 2016 my brother-in-law convince several of us to sign up for a Spartan Race over in Fort Worth. After doing that race, nearly dying :) and not being able to do even half of the obstacles because I lacked any kind of upper body strength, I decided something needed to change. We decided that we wanted to run all three of the different Spartan Races in 2017 and so I looked into CrossFit as a way to train and build strength for those races and that is how I found both CrossFit and CrossFit Rejoice.
What was your first "bright spot" (something you did really well from the start)?
I was pretty out of shape when I first started, and I get easily frustrated when I can across something that I can't do and can't pick up quickly, so my first "bright spot" honestly was that I stuck with CrossFit despite this. I have worked out off and on in my life but have never maintained anything consistent like I have with CrossFit to this point.
What challenges do you face?
I still struggle with the olympic lifts for sure from a technique standpoint along with just having the "courage" to get my body under that much weight at times. I also really want to improve my endurance when it comes to some of the workouts. Some of this is just pushing myself beyond the limits I put on myself, and believing that I have the capabilities to do the workouts that push you to maintain a good pace and not slow down.
What changes have you noticed in yourself since joining Rejoice (physical, mental, emotional)?
For sure physical, I have lost a lot of weight and have had to take in all my dress pants to be altered because they were way to big. My strength and physical appearance is also at a level that I don't know that it has ever been at before in my life. It really makes me wish I had done something like CrossFit so much earlier in life. The mental side is still a challenge at times pushing myself to my limits and beyond, but I am getting there.
What are you working on now (a current goal)?
My goal for 2018 in general is to be able to RX all of the workouts if possible come next year's open. That means working on handstand push ups, muscle ups and double unders. Other then that, I just really want to keep going strong, learning from the great community of coaches and athletes at Rejoice and improving everyday.
What advice would you give someone who is just getting started?
I would say "stick with it". Just like with anything else results aren't going to be immediate and there are going to be days were you may get frustrated because you are having to scale a workout that it seems everyone else is doing RX, but if you keep putting in the work and doing your best then you will achieve the goals you have set out for yourself when you first start.
What do you like to do outside CrossFit?
Just about everything we do outside of CrossFit is tied in with kids activities, so I spend a lot of time on the soccer field during the year with both my girls. I do love to watch movies and I try to keep up with some of the popular shows on TV like Game of Thrones, etc. but finding the time for these kind of hobbies is difficult. CrossFit has actually become a pretty big part of my life at this point. I have outfitted a garage gym that lets me do a lot of things at home when I can't make it into the box on a given day.
Do you have any hidden talents we should know about?
I really don't have any that I can think of. I really like history and sports, so just about anything related to World War 2 I am big into. We have Dallas Stars tickets and my whole family is really into hockey as a sport. I also still collect trading cards and sports memorabilia like when I was a kid and i have thousands of cards stacked in boxes in my upstairs closet that my wife isn't a big fan of.